I'm Tiffani, the snarky creator and author of Coffee Rhetoric (established in 2004). 

In addition to just being me (a strenuous but rewarding job that requires a high level of expertise) and writing for my own catharsis, I also work in social media and marketing. 

I'm not a talking head and would rather stay behind the scenes, but I have occasionally been asked for my opinion on some issues, participated as a panelist at events (most notably about social media), and made one or two radio and podcast appearances. My work has gone viral once or twice, most notably my blog post about a catastrophic film flop and a fist-happy bus driver, so I've been mentioned in the New York Times, offered commentary on HuffPost Live, and had shit talked about me on national TV and on multiple online forums. So, in summation, I'm a silent perpetrator of noteworthy things. 

I get most of my inspiration and superpowers from copious amounts of strong coffee and glasses of robust red wine. 

Coffee Rhetoric 
is a personal digital platform that unpacks a wide array of topics trending in the news and pop culture via written opinion pieces, podcast episodes, and now, on occasion, commentary videos and live streams. 


All intellectual property and opinions are mine (Tiffani's) unless explicitly stated otherwise.