Also, the other day, I tried in vain to peel the wrapper away from a piece of hard candy. The candy was too sticky, and I just couldn’t seem to get that inner wrapping away from the sweetness, so that I could enjoy it. While I was successful in removing most of the inedible layer, there were still random and stubborn pieces of paper that clung to that candy… how frustrating… and what a fitting metaphor to my life.I realize that, I haven’t really been blogging anything substantive or personal, as of late. A lot of my entries have been little more than YouTube video clips and “My Favorite Things” lists. I’ve written to appease the reading masses, which I said I’d never do… just for the sake of staying current with posts, which is wrong, wrong, wrong and so against why I do this.
I'm still tortured and broody. I'm on an endless quest to explore my core, so as to understand these little demons as they frolic and play, at my expense! At times, my truth intimidates me and I withdraw and find myself at square one.
I Know This Much is True...
September 23, 2006
Over the course of 48 hours, I was approached by two strangers, respectively, and told "Wow, you must really like wearing black. Everytime I see you walking around, you have on black." Which makes me feel even more daft, because now I truly know that I'm being watched. No more tugging and picking at my undergarments, because no matter how inconspicuous I think I'm being, someone is watching and taking note.