Or... Several Things I want and will NEVER have or own in this lifetime.
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  • The Jura-Capresso Impressa Z5 espresso machine
  • 20 pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes
  • 10 pairs of Manolo Blahnik shoes
  • A Bidet
  • A closet about the size of my apartment
  • A lifetime supply of chocolate and Nutella
  • An insanely large bathroom complete with a huge, sunken tub and no less than 2 to 3 stairs leading into the tub
  • A shower that doubles as a steam room
  • A home on the Mediterranean
  • A floor-to-ceiling, fully stocked wine rack
  • Floor-to-ceiling bookcases
  • Drawers full of Agent Provocateur and vintage lingerie
  • A wine vineyard of me own.
  • A lemon tree
  • An insanely ridiculous sound system
  • 2000+ CDs (this is a more attainable luxury).
  • A beautiful, lush herb garden
  • Fendi's Bag du Jour
  • And My own coffee trees.
Obviously, I suffer from delusions of grandeur, and have a habit of sitting for long periods of time, dreaming wide-awake about said items... Or quite simply, I’ve watched too many episodes of VH1’s Fabulous Life Of... series. If I were lucky enough to own the Impressa Z5, I’d be happy with with having just that. I’m rambling. Obviously this post was born out of my wandering thoughts. Seems they've wandered way out of bounds. *sigh* Oh well, a girl can dream ...


Anonymous said...

Oh coffey to dream....oh to dream. Though, I'm not with ya on the coffee machine. I have a little tiny espresso maker from krups I think...I used it once...I opened it and it exploded. I had espresso grounds ALL over my kitchen and even the ceiling. I haven't used it since. I'm skeered of it.

comebacknikki said...
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comebacknikki said...

Oh, I'm so with you. I'd love to be able to totter around in my Louboutins while munching on anything smeared in Nutella. I'm also seriously obsessed with the idea of owning a bidet. Damn those Europeans and their extravagences!

Anonymous said...

Floor-to-ceiling bookcases

that's one of mine - COMPLETE with an entire room devoted to said bookcases.......(I suppose that's called a "library" LOL

Anonymous said...

You know, if we girls just got together and agreed to share, we could have all of this and more. My shoe size is 6 1/2 and I just bought a bunch of Louboutin knockoffs. I also have an industrial sized LaVazza espresso machine, but I'm out of coffee pods.

So who's in? We could devote my entire house to closet space and sleep lined up like sardines on the floor of my livingroom in sleeping bags.

Bloody Whore said...

a lemon tree.....*sigh* I thought I was the only one who wanted to have a lemon tree. LOL