After a harrowing couple of days of carousing with, um, interesting company), which I will not detail here (as much as I would like to), I do look forward to my best friend's visit this upcoming Wednesday evening. I can be a complicated and neurotic personality (I read: quirky), I'm fairly easy to get along with, albeit particular about what I like to indulge in, the places I like to frequent, my appearance, the foods I like to eat, the booze I like to drink, etc. In essence, I’m a snob and refuse to change my interests, penchant for promoting wonderful and exciting things, or dumb down my intellect just to placate someone’s narrow-mindedness and aversion to differences. I’m finding it increasingly difficult to interact and socialize with people who share in the same types of things I enjoy doing. I've blogged about this frustration extensively... particularly in this post, aqui.
Most other acquaintances, while seemingly interested in sharing in the same things I enjoy doing; are incessant complainers, deem the elements of all things cultural, hip, and drama-free as “weird,” can’t carry on conversations with effortless fluidity, and seem to love wallowing in drama and making public spectacles of themselves (and me). I’m sick of it, and so mostly go it alone. Which is quite fine with me, as I enjoy being someplace mellow, having a glass of red, languishing at my own pace, and meeting interesting people to chat with. I’ve dealt with enough dramatic things in my life this year, so I don’t need any added disturbances throwing the stars off, in my orbit.
It’s important for me not to be around toxic or narrow-minded people.
I do look forward to seeing my best and closest friend this Wednesday. The infamous Cat. Yes, this specimen does exist in human, female form, and is not a figment of my imagination. My best friend, whose company I enjoy immensely… who I can curse, laugh and guffaw raucously with- the two of us creating a lot of necessary noise pollution - and share in many and all things interesting, new, and exciting!
It has been awhile, and we have lots of catching up to do, much wine to sip, much food to consume, insults to playfully hurl at one another, men to lament over and berate, and lots of gossip to exchange, as it’s an easy and effortless friendship. After many annoyances and frustrating moments with people who just don’t flipping get it, I will be getting a much needed reprieve with this brand of company, for the next 4 days.
Cat and Coffey We are a suppler- (sometimes drunker)- and younger and more debauched variation of Gayle and Oprah, sans the lesbian rumors, Hermes handbags, and buckets of sweet moolah.
That sounds wonderful. I'm glad you have something to look forward to in this oft tiring world.
I'm so happy that Cat is coming back.
It’s important for me not to be around toxic or narrow-minded people.
this is true, girl...very true. it's no fun getting sucked dry......
Despite the way we relate to friends of the same sex being different...my ace the Cat in mi vida...One of our recent conversations involved seeing a Ravens player and debating on our ability to take him out as he wasn't as big as we had previously believed.
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