Shakespeare in L-L-Lo-Lust?

Recently, I met the acquaintance of a British gentleman, whom I’ll refer to as, Shakespeare. Now I usually don’t blog about specific dating/social experiences, unless they’ve made some sort of indelible impression on me, and this man has aroused my curiosity.

Apparently I’ve had an impact on him as well and he is seemingly smitten, as he has professed the need to “court” me, even though I’ve told him that my heart is nothing more than a chunk of ice and he'd probably have to climb massive walls, to reach me, as past experiences have found me far gone in this abyss between dark and light, space and time. He says that he’d like us to be great friends first, of course, but that he’s up to the task of slowly chipping away, towards this Ice Queen’s core. Fascinating.

Shakespeare, who has traveled extensively, has texted me poetic sentences (much to my chagrin, as text messages cost a fortune), such as "Tranquility is on its way" and the like, in addition to emailing me poems he has written and claims to be “inspired by” me. He called me one evening, and said that he had a dream, that we were in Italy, standing in front of the Trevi Fountain, and that we threw coins behind our shoulders, full of mirth and merriment, as we held hands. I must say, that I’m not used to this sort, and am quite leery, and I explained this to him. But I must admit, my radar doesn't register a read on this one. I've been thrown for a bit of a loop. I’ve often wondered whether this man is intoxicated and possessed by a liquid spirit during our conversations, and I don’t know quite how to respond to these advances. I’m usually rendered speechless as I mumble, “Is he for real?” It's almost enough to make my cold, black heart stir... almost.

Needless to say, here is one of the poems I got in my email’s inbox this morning…

I Hunt for a sign of you in all the others, in the rapid undulent river of women, braids,shyly sinking eyes, light step that slides, sailing through the foam.

Suddenly I think I can make out your nails--- oblong, quick, nieces of a cherry----; then it's your hair that passes by,and I think I see your image, a bonfire, burning in the water. I searched, but no one else had your rhythms, your light, the shady day you brought from the forest; nobody had your tiny ears.

You are whole---exact----and everything you are is one, and so i go along,with you I float along,loving a wide Mississippi toward a femine sea.

I'm falling!!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy yourself with the new guy but don't leave yourself wide open.

Brunhilda said...

Oh hell, have fun with it! Just don't get in too deep too fast. What better way too feed your self professed vanity?

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmm. At least, he can write . . .


I say explore, cautiously. At the very least, perhaps we'll get more poetry to read!