Happy Holla'Days!
Ah, X-mas...
- Garish decorations, rude and obnoxious shoppers, debt, greedy children with delusions of grandeur, drunken relatives, ingrates, fugly sweaters, yadda yadda yadda...
Please have a safe and productive holiday, enjoy your families, don't get trashed, don't snort coke, go easy on the Xanax, more importantly; think of all those who have very little, and count your lucky stars. This is a wonderful time to reflect, to help those who're less fortunate, and to think of those who can't be with their loved ones during this time.
this is most definitely a wonderful time to count your blessings and enjoy your friends and family for all they are worth.
I hope you have a beautiful holiday, hon, I feel blessed to have met you this year.
. . . but I NEED my Xanax!!!
Merry Christmas!
go easy on the Xanax
Thankfully, not a problem for me anymore, lol.
Merry Christmas, Coffey!
Merry X-mas & Happy New Year Coffee. Have a good one. I sure did LOL
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