A few weeks ago, I was in the throes of a nasty sinus cold. It was kicking my ass, no matter how much I tried to bob and weave to avoid it
- (I felt it percolating days prior and loaded up on Airborne and Aleve Sinus medicine, to no avail) - Having turned into a full fledged (and fire breathing) monster, I found myself taking days here and there, off of work, and even had to leave early on a Thursday, a few days before the New Years holiday.
Wednesday evening however, prior to that, I stopped off at the drug store after work, in search of something stronger and more potent. Having found my weapon, I took it immediately upon getting home. Instantly, I felt drowsy, so I dressed for bed and turned in for the evening. Due to this strong sinus medication I had been in and out of consciousness from the time I got home from work until the late-late evening. I woke up for good, at around 6:41AM after an interesting dream. Needless to say, I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. Even
now. It involved the following scenario...
My immediate family and I are walking through a dangerous construction area, in New Jersey, carrying heavy, unhinged doors under our arms.
The construction crew consisted of a stupid lot. Not very bright at all. Most of them actually ignored us, as we trekked through their site.
Suddenly my mother drops her door down a large hole they'd dug, and one of the construction workers dropped his shovel and dove down, to retrieve it.
At this point, I started to feel a little uneasy and opined that we should have rented a car...
My 14 year old niece steps to the right and falls through a small mound of dirt... which had been covering a massive hole, apparently.
I yell HELP towards a large group of construction workers. I ask the one standing the closest to the incident if she's going to be all right?? He merely shrugged. I yell for him to go check then! Almost aloof, he scrambles down the hole.
At his point, my panic barometer sky rockets and my heart is beating fast. I began to cry, eyes squeezed tightly closed, my hand clasped over my mouth.
My older sister, her mother, tells me to calm down. I say, "What if she's hurt... or worse???"
My sister is still unshaken.
I tell my mother to forget about the stupid door she had dropped moments prior. I yell once more that we should've rented a car!
Suddenly, the construction worker emerges from the hole, holding my niece's hand... pulling her up and out of the hole.
She was dirty, scraped up, and a little shaken, but alive.
I wake up with a start, my heart beating at a rapid pace. I sit up and turn on my bedside lamp.
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