After having consumed a late lunch of chicken fingers and french fries (to go) from the diner downstairs, I'm left feeling dissatisfied, nauseous, and disgusted. I had to wash down the nastiness with a Sangiovese/Merlot blend and a milk chocolate Symphony bar. It was the only way to rid my palate of the unpleasant taste. I feel like a mound of grease now. If I'm going to indulge in something fatty and disgusting, I want it to taste good. The next few days will definitely be salad and green apple filled. I like to feel sexy and sated after having consumed something. Fried chicken fingers and dubious tasting french fries definitely make me feel less than. I should have stuck to the chocolate and called it a day. Or perhaps bought a nice, soft block of cheese and smeared it on some crackers. Hindsight is 20/20. In addition to the chocolate and the wine, the only things consoling me are constant applications of Carmex all over my lips and the Spring '07 Sephora catalog. Apparently there'll be a huge emphasis on luscious lashes, metallic glosses, and glitter this upcoming spring season.
Ugh, I feel like I have a heavy boulder sitting in my stomach now. Let me sip and read some more...
The title killed me cause that's what me and my co-worker call in: "Are you getting some grease today."
@Amadeo: Ugh! I hate grease! (I don't mind it when I'm inebriated... but it has to be juuust the right amount. I wont be getting that garbage from that particular diner again! I ate a dry salad for dinner this evening, and still feel nauseous. I feel like I can still feel that ish in my tummy. I feel a sea salt and water fast coming on.
Next time, when I indulge in grease, I wont deviate from the other place... near the diner or perhaps I'll get a slice of pizza.
constant applications of Carmex all over my lips and the Spring '07 Sephora catalog.
I'M SCARED, HOLD ME (and I know you can since YOU'RE IN MY F*CKING HOUSE..............)
I got a little.....orgasm-y thinking of Sephora.........LOLOL
@Jenner: Carmex = Crack.
I love the stuff. I buy it, 2 and 3 at a time. Carmex works great under lipglosses and liptsticks as well.
I love how they have the Carmex easy tube applicator too... I buy the tube AND the pot, because I can never choose which package I want it in.
and Sephora makes me shudder with pleasure as well... and yes, I WILL hold you. I am there... I'm everywhere in fact, and can materialize by special request.
What exactly makes Carmex so addicting? I once walked down the street in the rain for a tube because I had run out.
As for the grease, I try to keep my intake at a minimum, which is fairly difficult, because I live in Texas, and people REALLY seem to be reliant on it in their cooking here-it's like Crisco Nation.
Ohhhh, I bet Pappy's was involved in your greasy demise! YIKES!!! Hopefully you're feeling fab now and living it up this weekend...I need a good glass of wine just thinking about ordering from Sephora...
- Cat
and yes, I WILL hold you. I am there... I'm everywhere in fact, and can materialize by special request.
10:14 AM
Dude, that's creepy....*peers over shoulder* HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA
Shalala is always at Jamie's house, peeking into her windows, helping herself to her food.....I guess you're my Shalala.......LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope all is well, talk to you soon!
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