I just baked a
DiGiorno 4 Cheese pizza. The cheese was slightly blackened because I left it in the oven a few minutes too long due to several distractions, so I decided to peel half of the crispy cheese off and eat
it ... I followed this tasty, burnt-cheesy, and unconventional dinner up with a few spicy
Aloo Masala chips I bought at the East Indian run bodega, up the street from me
(where I also purchased four more packs of HEM patchouli incense sticks). All that's left is the bready and sauce laden carcass of a frozen pizza... stripped of its cheesy (and slightly burnt) goodness ... I'm still trying to sort out my thoughts. I'm not sure how I feel after having consumed this meal... I know that right this moment, I feel sated and deliciously piggish and overindulged. I'm sure once the slightly burnt cheese and spicy Indian chips digest, I'll feel differently, however... and my guts will gurgle their disagreement. ...
P.S. Rent La Grande Bouffe immediately. It's an excellent study in gluttony and hedonism. Just watching it will make your stomach feel engorged.
Yikes and yummy all at once...sure you think you'll have a moment of, "Ummm, did I just sit there and eat that winning combination?",however, you should indulge in something that seems so wrong, but feels so right ever-so-often...I'm sure it was DELISH!!!!
I just left that comment, by the by...
- Cat
Wow. You stripped that pizza of its cheese and its dignity.....
PS - that movie poster - yowza.....*note to self: watch La Grande Bouffe immediately*......
@Cat... that slightly burnt pizza cheese was delish! Those Indian chips were effing spicy though! Tasty but spicy!
@Jenner... I did strip that pizza of its dignity. When I looked at the cheese-less carcass, I felt sort of bad for the thing. You MUST rent La Grande Bouffe. It's insanely decadent and hedonistic! Plus it co-stars Marcello Mastroianni (sp?)... That's reason enough, right there.
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