Today got off to a bit of a rocky start. I arrived late to work for starters. This is nothing
new, but I think the realization that I hate being late for work, hit me hardcore for some
reason. Harder than any other time. I'm usually agitated, but matter-of-fact about it.
The weather was brutal and unforgiving. The surly wind blowing in from Canada, was harsh. As I stomped down to Starbucks, sniffling back the snot trying to force its way out of my nose, I was thrown for a loop. The weatherman said we would be waking up to record breaking cold this morning, but I never imagined it would be
this cold. The bitter wind picked up speed as I hunched my shoulders up, thankful for the long, "puffy" coat, pashmina scarf, and black tights (underneath my pants) I was wearing, and made my way clumsily down the street- (if you don't have a long, puffy coat... get one. They work! Peep Cat above & right, in her DKNY puffy coat). This arctic blast was relentless as it punished me for my tardiness. I had brain freeze and suddenly felt nauseous.
Finally making it to Starb(big)bucks without passing out, sniffling and thankful for the warmth and robust coffee smell, the cafe giant provided. I didn't want to leave. But alas, clutching my giant cup of Caffe Verona, the coffee of the day, today, I pushed open the door, and braved the harsh, bitter cold. Finally making it to work, out of breath and disoriented. I'm a fleshy, voluptuous woman, but this level of frigidity didn't recognize that fact or care for that matter. It penetrated deep.
P.S. I'm sitting here (snug and warm) once again, watching
Dateline NBC's To Catch a Predator Series
and am floored that these pieces of bottom feeding trash still don't and wont learn, that it's
not okay to solicit CHILDREN on the internet for sex, and then show up to meet them for
relations. Some of them are well aware of the series by this time, but their depraved minds wont allow them to care and to risk the risks of pedophilia. One dillhole is an Alabama cop, whose trunk was loaded down with weapons, ammo, and porn! Amazing... amazingly
The surly wind blowing in from Canada, was harsh.
Yeah it's been pretty damn cold of late - although today is actually nice - only -14! LOL
@Jenner: Hey, the weatherman said it was blowing in from Canada, not moi. hahahaha. Anyway, there's no need for you Canadians to share you cold, arctic air with us. We were doing juuust fine, without it. ;-)
It's a bit sunny this afternoon. That's promising.
Some teenybopper guy took a pic of me this afternoon in my big shades and that same puffy coat and said "the sunlight was shining down on the coat just so"...hahahahahahaha That big, white monstrosity has kept me warm on many a winter's night!!!
;) Cat
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