"All these people are quite base, of low costume and very little industry, such that for the most part they spend their time sunk in idleness. Thus they continually sit about, and for entertainment they are in the habit of drinking in public, in shops and in thestreets- black liquid, boiling [as hot] as they can stand it, which is extracted from a seed they call Cavee... and it is said to have the property of keep a man awake." Francisco Morosini, ca. 1585
If you've been reading this blog for a good spell, Then you all know how I feel about coffee. The smell... that robust taste... the intensity of a nice, strong, bean... I love it equally as much as I enjoy a nice, robust glass of red wine. Today is the beginning of Caffeine Awareness month. Caffeine is a stimulant found in a number of things, I realize, but I don't drink sody pop... I do consume large amounts of chocolate and coffee though... and so will dedicate this post to the powerhouse beverage, whose bean tastes even better, dipped in dark chocolate.I'd like to espouse this month by offering a few ways to further enjoy the ... joys of coffee.
Interesting reads: Coffee and Coffee Houses by Ulla HeisCafe Nation (my personal favorite): Coffee Folklore, Magick, and Divination by Sandra Mizumoto Posey
Captivating (and underrated) brews: Cafe Bustelo
Chock Full o'Nuts
Take a drag (if you feel inclined to do so, socially): Djarum Black, CappuccinoSlather on: Bonnie Bell's Lip Lites in Metallic Mocha, Mocha Mousse, Cappuccino, Caramel Latte, etc...Bathe your naughty bits BodyCoffee Energizing Bar Even though it smells minty and feels tingly, it's made with coffee grounds and coffee extract. It's great for the skin and it feels good.I saved the best for last: Chocolate covered coffee beans.
aw f*ck, man - now I wanna go have a bath, drink some coffee, read some books, drink some more coffee, eat some chocolate, wear some lipgloss.....
Ooooooohhhhh....a nice, frothy coffee (perhaps a mocha) sounds loooooooovely right about now...
- Cat
@Jenner: tee hee. You definitely should get your hands on that soap. It feels so good... especially in the morning, when you're trying to wake yourself up. It's invigorating! You KNOW you want it... and that lip gloss! hahahaha.
@Cat: Mmmm... an espresso con panne sounds delish, indeed!
I'm definitely gonna look for that coffee soap bar.
As for Bustelo... I would've called it overrated as opposed to underrated, too many people I've met here in the U.S. rave about it, but I really don't see the appeal. I've had puerto rican coffees that are much better and richer.
I'll have to send you a pack of Cafe Rico, Yaucono or Crema. Unfortunately we don't export. Pity.
I just found a place online that didn't wuss out about send Djarum Blacks to Maryland. For some reason they're illegal here.
@Prico: I drink Yaucano too! Love that stuff. I usually buy that. I love Bustelo just the same... plus it was on sale. tee hee. So Bustelo won out over Yaucano last week. hahaha.
I also like Cafe Pilon, but that's usually a last resort. And Prico, give us a break over here. You're used to having that bomb ass coffee over in Puerto Rico... and the rum.
We ain't. Um, and you aren't hatin' on Bustelo, because it's Cuban, are you, my hot little Puerto Rican? tee hee ;-)
@Amadeo: Luckily, there're two specialty tobacco shops here downtown that carry Djarum Black.
And they can be found (here anyway) by any bodega or gas station owned by Indians.
Why are they illegal in Maryland? I'm gonna have to look that up!
P.S @ Prico: Once you try that soap, your showers are going to get a little longer. That tingly, mint sensation feels great.
Id have to honestly say that I like chocolate better than coffee, but I wont turn down a mocha!
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