Beat and Busted
My piece of trash laptop crashed on me the other day. Oh the drama and finality of it all. It was a moody bitch anyway. I must say, punching up the keys in anger probably didn't do much to prevent my disaster.
Needless to say, blog entries will be few and far between, until I figure out how to get meself a new computer, with a better temperament.
With the exception of today, I refuse to blog the sordid details of my life, from work. Perhaps tidbits here and there... but I'd much rather journal from home. Somehow nursing a glass of wine and sitting there at my glass table top, with bare feet, sweater, and sans pants makes blogging so much sexier. I need to keep my pants on here at work and drinking on the job is forbidden.
In any event, I'll do the best I can. In the meantime, I'll just curl up in a fetal position and rock back in forth, clutching my knees tightly from email and internet withdrawal. I'll do the best I can, though.
I need to keep my pants on here at work and drinking on the job is forbidden.
Sounds like you're in the wrong line of work. lol
@Jessucka: It would seem that I AM in the wrong line of work! The nerve... of the administration demanding that I keep my pants on! hahahahaha.
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