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What do you all think of this... the initial incarnation of the Apple G3 iMac series?
It's used and in very good condition. The seller has priced it at $277.00 and I found it on Amazon.
It has a PowerPC G3 chip, 600 MHz, and 256 MB of RAM among other desirable features.
I've heard and read nothing but good things about iMacs. I don't know too too much about them, but what do you all think? Are they compatible with Yahoo Messenger, webcams, most high speed internet connections, etc etc?
Raise up! I need opinions. Let your inner computer geekdom run wild and free and tell me what you all know about this attractive looking, piece of equipment. Either way, the price is insanely good, as I can't afford the latest edition.
The G3 typically runs/is installed with and older OS (usually OS 8.6). To properly run and view the internet and use the various AIM's out there, you would need to upgrade to OS 10x. ($130) That would not run successfully on the amount of RAM currently there. So, you'd need to upgrade to a 512MB (minimum) chip at a cost of around $80. At work, I run a MAC and love it for the graphics capabilities. The price is right if you have a few bucks to spare for the upgrades. I hope this helped. Good luck!
One crucial point that I failed to elaborate on... The older OS will not allow you to upgrade the internet browser already on there, as they are not made for older OS's anymore. That is why there is a problem with the internet, AIM's and certain, if not many, software upgrades.
Wow...I have no idea what jennifer is talking about. At any rate, Baby Daddy had an IMAC for a minute when he decided he was going to record music. I SUCK on computers and found it rather odd to say the least. I'm clearly too used to windows. BUT, I have heard great things about Apple's sooooo, I'm sure I was of no help.
OH! I don't know if you are in school or not, but there is a thing (I think it's still available) called a Hope Credit for your income taxes. If you take at least 12 credit hours in a year, you qualify for this credit. What that means is ANYTHING you spend on school supplies can be deducted from your taxes. When I was still in school, I got a brand new computer, books, pens, gas, anything and everything I could claim I did and it helped soooooo much. I got my computer totally for free! Just in case you were wondering....
@Jennifer/Kermit...: You've been very helpful! Thanks so much. I think I will throw all caution to the wind, purchase meself a used iMac G3 and see how it goes. I'm go through internet w/drawal at home!!
@Pookie: Oh snap! Perhaps I should try my hand at recording music. hahahahaha. NOT. Unfortunately, I'm no longer in the throes of academia, but that deal you got, with your computer sounds awesome!
Good luck, Coffee. Any questions, let me know.
Pookie, after reading about the credit, I'm back to considering going back to school.
I know nothing of Macs, but I wish you all the best on your computer search. I'm now at
I'm gonna try to get back to school next year so I can get a new computer! AHAHHAAHHAHA! How sad is that! I'll just keep going to school here and there so I can write it off!
I personally hope people start creating viruses for Macs...those commercials are pretty cocky.
Plus since people don't really create viruses for them they're probably susceptible.
Yeah I have a PC...what I can say though is I'm a memory whore...256? I can't do much with that.
Oh man, I hope I'm not too late...
I wouldn't buy it. For what it is and the model, the price seems excessive to me, especially considering it's used. I'd say shop around some more.
Regardless, good luck.
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