Chocolate State of Mind
I am a hardcore lover of chocolate. It's a hard, no holds barred,
balls to the wall type of love. Dark, milk chocolate, and even white. I'd bathe in it, if I didn't think it'd create such a mess to clean up afterward.
Today however, I am craving the stuff like like a crackhead in detox, craves a fix.
I need it in the worst way, and don't have it at my disposal.
I can't concentrate, I feel discombobulated sans the rich goodness of a nice, dark chunk of goodness. I feel incomplete, hot & bothered, and lethargic. ...
I implore any and everybody to contribute to my craving and cyber-send me some of
that brand of love.
Remember, I am talking still talking about chocolate. *sigh*
I'm glad you have returned.
**passing Coffee the dark chocolate snickers I bought with lunch**
Chocolate gives me *gulp* Migraines.
*Cries uncontrolably*
Ohhh Bloody Whore... you poor poor dear. Damn that bites! I wish I could console you.
@Anonymous: Thanks... too bad I can reach into the computer's screen... *sigh*
@Beautyinbaltimore: I never left I am sans computer @ home, because it completely crashed, and I'm on a blog whenever I can, wherever I can, until I buy a new one.
@Jessucka: I hate Snickers... but who knew they had dark chocolate Snickers. They aren't disgusting, so my disdain for them might be psychological. I think the commercials did it for me.
you know it's funny. I used to love chocolate when I was young. but no longer. don't know what happened. I haven't enjoyed it for probably 5 years or so.
@Coffey0072: You're welcome.
I personally love Snickers. Always have. The almond ones rock too. Best of luck obtaining the chocolate you do like.
@Jessucka: I loooove those Cadbury milk and dark chocolate bars... and the new Hershey's Reserve Cacao dark chocolate bars, or whatever you call them...
and Lindt...
Man, I know what I need to go buy on my day off!
Sis, Ghiradelli does some serious 65%-plus bars. My most recent purchase is flavored with mint. It would be even more dangerous if it were 70%-cocoa and flavored with mint... but then they'd have to keep it behind the counter. :wink:
Hope you've fixed that fix, lol.
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