I'm aghast!
I've been drinking martinis legally, for years (anything before the age of 21 is irrelevant at this juncture in my life) and what has left me feeling dismayed, bemused, robbed, and foolish is today's New York Times' Dining In issue.
NYTimes wine critic, Eric Asimov weighed in on what ingredients constitute a perfect and classic martini.
"Before we discuss the findings we need to clear up a little matter" says Asimov. ... It's come to my attention that some people believe martinis are made with vodka" (my heart skipped a beat here, and I sat upright in my chair). . "I hate to get snobbish about it," he continues... "but a martini should be made with gin or it's not a martini. Call it a vodkatini if you must, but not a martini. Gin and vodka have as much in common hierarchically as President and Vice President." Wha'?? It actually matters???
This is where I damn near had a breakdown and wanted to ask if I could be excused to leave work early! I had to take a few, deep inhalations of breath before I could continue reading Asimov's article. See, I always ordered my martinis with Grey Goose vodka, extra dirty, extra olives! I mean, Asimov did attempt to placate my ignorance by suggesting that vodka can, at times, fill in for gin, but then he pissed on my hopes when he opined that it generally makes a poor sub for martinis and all other gin cocktails. *sigh*

How could I not have known this?? How could all the bartenders who grew to recognize me and my expectant face, and were supposedly well versed in martini knowledge, not have hipped me to this fact? How could they stand by idly, making small talk with me, and not state that gin made a far superior (and genuine) martini than Grey Goose?
I feel like such a hypocrite... thinking of all the times I scoffed at other bar patrons, ordering their Appletinis, Cosmos and fake other 'tini drinks. I fancied myself a straight-up, no frills, martini lover (I make an exception for the Espresso'tini or cocktail, rather). I feel... had. I feel like re-doing my martini drinking days all over again, just so I can get it right. I have to do them all over again! As horrified as I am by my own martini-ignorance, I learned a great deal from this article. Even certain types of gin make a less than stellar martini. Who knew that the stuff was infused with botanicals and spices such as; cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, licorice, and the like? That Juniper was the primary element that separated gin from vodka? Certainly not I. At least I can take solace in knowing that I've never ordered my martinis sans vermouth! Something that would probably prompt me to have to crawl under a moist rock, if that were the case.
I don't think that it's too late for me to redeem myself. Just thinking on the possibilities my newfound martini epiphany has opened up, excites me... Tanqueray, Beefeater, Bombay Sapphire. ...It's not too late.
**Note: Read Bigger Than Your Head, for another martini rant.
oddly, I always liked my martinis with Gin, 2 olives. wow.
@Bloodywhore: Braggard. ;-)
HAHAHAHHAHA, no..really. I do, I don't know why, 'cause I'm cheap drinker, I'm totally into beer. LOL LOL
DAMN, I learn something new everyday. I've made Martinis with both. But I didn't know a true Martini was only with Gin. For as much alcohol I consume, I should've known better LOL LOL LOL
My mother is a martini lover and she has always told me that no self respecting bar tender would EVER call a -tini a -tini if it was made with Vodka. So, I've kinda always known that one. Plus, Baby Daddy is an ex bartender and he said the same thing. :( It's okay coffey, lots of people don't know that. Hell, here in Vegas we have a martini bar that is quite popular and almost all the drinks on it are vodka cuz it's Russian themed.
I knew about this mess with gin/vodka and gin being the traditional version of the "true martini", HOWEVER, who gives a flick? I personally prefer vodka martinis...and yes, it's still a martini, just prepared with VODKA. I enjoy good gin, but hell, if you can't drink what you want and enjoy it what the hell's the point? The purpose of these concoctions is to discover what YOU get crunk off of...it's not supposed to be stagnant if it's considered creative, now, is it? There's a lot of great gin out there, but I just don't like gin as much as I do vodka. I hope that you continue to drink vodka martinis and explore the possibilities with gin, too!
- Cat
I knew that, but I actively reject it. Gin is disgusting and has no place in a Martini. If a drink can be perfected, why revert to a crappier version of it?
Phew, Damn...
Cat, Kerri, I feel so much better now! I probably will still try the gin martini to compare...
but after having read your comments, I don't feel like a douche anymore.
And um, Cat... "crunk", love? bwahahahahaha. Love it. ;-)
You know what? I am just as clueless. I've actually never tried a martini as I don't like vodka much. I didn't know they were supposed to be made with gin. Now, Tanqueray, yummy. Perhaps I'll have to give one a shot. Hmmm.
Much fun on your martini tasting adventures. Let us know what works out for you. Bottom line, drink whatever you decide is best, not what you're supposed to. Since when do you bow to societal norms? Hmmmm?
I only drink martinis with vodka, and green appletinis are my preference (so sue me), but I did know the true martini was with gin and vermouth.
I only drink gin with orange juice, and only Tanqueray at that, so there's no way I'm putting it in my martini. So whatevs...
And don't feel bad, if you ask a bartender for a martini with grey goose, that's what they'll give you. They're not there to correct you but rather to make a sale.
Dammit, now I want a lychee martini...
@Prico: Oh Snap! hahahaha. I agree with you, they aren't there to correct me... but they can offer suggestions... they need to if they want a damn tip! hahahaha. And I love how you drink gin and juice. It reminds me of that Snoop Dogg song. hahahaha.
@Jessucka: Me bow down to societal norms??? Never. Since I drink on a frequent basis, I don't want to appear as if I'm a moron, if I order a vodka martini. People have a way of making others feel so debased when they don't do things the conventional way. hahahahaha. You know what? Eff gin! I'm gonna continue on with my vodka martinis!! in ADDITION to trying it with gin. ;-)
Hell I just call them Bonds...James Bond. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me. Besides even when he orders it he differentiates..."Vodka Martini". Piss on critics.
Coffey dear, if they took the time to talk to you for two seconds they'd realize you're not a moron ;) Don't sweat it.
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