Keeping Our Head Above Water...
Yesterday, after I was settled in at home from work, I caught an episode of Good Times on the TV Land network. Florida (matriarch of the Evans clan) came home, excited and breathless... ready to share with her family that she had just enrolled herself back in school, in hopes of obtaining her GED.
Before she could relay the good news to her family, father James [Evans] interrupted, chastising her for not listening to HIS good news first. He had been hired for a better paying job with a construction company as a foreman, and the opportunity would possibly allow him to move up. Excited, Florida heaped praise upon her husband, before telling her family that she was back in school, and may finally have the opportunity to get her diploma after having dropped out in the 10th grade. Thelma, J.J., and Michael were ecstactic and hugged their mother. James (who dropped out of school in the 6th grade) on the other hand wasn't thrilled and a dark look came across his face. Suddenly he became discouraging and somewhat insulting... commenting, "Everybody knows that you can't teach an old dog new tricks!" He suggested that best friend, neighbor, and modern woman (for the time) Willona was the one, undoubtedly, putting such nonsense, as going back to school, into Florida's head. James also demanded to know what she planned on fixing for dinner. Willona proudly told James that she had finished school, got her diploma, and that it afforded her the opportunity to work at a clothing boutique. Florida challenged James (with Willona's encouragment) that if he tried to stop her from achieving her goal, he was gonna be faced with "One hell of a fight!" from her and suggested that she wouldn't be able to improve the quality of her (or the family's) life if she didn't see her education through to fruition. It was an intense episode. Due to my getting up to get a glass of vino and some Ramen, I missed the end.
Good Times was filmed during the mid 70's, which wasn't that long ago. That particular episode, where James discourages Florida's desire to improve herself by turning into a chauvinist extraordinaire... brow beating and insulting his wife's desire to excel, prompted me to think about how difficult women... black women (as well as other women of color) in particular, had it during that time (and how difficult it still can be for us). I'm reminded of the whole concept behind (and need for) the womanist movement, encouraged by author Alice Walker and adapted from her book: In Search of Our Mother's Garden: Womanist Prose. The concept of womanism came to be, because women of color were left out of the mix during the
feminist movement... which dealt largely with issues pertaining to white, middle-class women; and focused predominantly on suffrage and sexism. Racism and classism were not issues they related to or felt compelled to fight against. Womanism paints a portrait from the perspective of black women.
When discussing issues of race or classism, the focus tends to be about the oppression of black men. Sexism tends to chart the plight and suppression of white women and how they overcame their struggles. It's rare to find literature that deals specifically with the oppression, suppression, and plight of black women, specifically. There are Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth, but how many other black women have traveled tumultuous roads, paving the way and fighting for civil rights and liberties for women of color? We grapple with sexism, classism, and racism. Throw sexual stereotypes based on ethnicity into that equation, thanks to the rump shaking featured in rap videos and the media's portrayal of us, and you begin to understand WHY the Don Imus incident caused such an uproar, after he described the Rutgers University women's basketball team as being "nappy headed ho's." Many people seemed flummoxed about the furor that statement incited. Some martyrized him, saying that his constitutional right to free speech was being infringed upon... which is true, but so is our right to freely be WHO and WHAT we are, without having to continously apologize or go through this multi-step assimilation process, because people aren't happy with how we look. It's maddening, and I'm sick to death of it.
Snoop Dog weighed in on the Imus controversy, by justifying his (and other rappers') use of the term "ho's", after the rap community came under fire (or were scape-goated) for desensitizing the masses to the use of the word ho'. Snoop suggested that it was okay for rappers to disrespect certain types of women by calling them the ugly name, because they're referring to the ho's living in the projects, not "a successful basketball team." That didn't really do much to help our cause, now did it?
It's a neverending battle, particuarly when you consider that we already have 3 strikes against us. I think of some of my own personal struggles, particularly since I wear my hair natural, I carry around an ample rear end, and I constantly have to defend the reasons WHY I don't act like [insert stereotype here], WHY black women aren't one- dimensional, and
WHY I'm not going drop my shit like it's hot for some ignoramus who has OD'ed on videos shown on BET... or WHY I want you to kiss my ample rear, when you pigeonhole me and women of color or chastise me for my blackness. I will gladly continue to fight the good fight and refer to myself as a 21st century womanist.
Thanks for giving me something to ponder. I have never thought about many of your statements there - and I've never even heard of the womanist movement. I will say I love, love, love Alice Walker and have tried desperately to find more of her poetry. I can't seem to get it accomplished. I need to check I still remember when I read The Color Purple for the first time. It opened my eyes to so many thing I had never even considered before, being raised a sheltered middle class white girl. I bawled during my reading of that book. Just bawled.
Do with you ample rump what you will. Do you still feel pressured to alter you hair? I love the natural look, and I know I annoy the hell out of people asking them if I can touch their hair. lol
My apologies if I sound like a small town white girl. 'Tis what I am.
Dont apologize for what you are, every person has a right to their own existance and reality.
Viva la Womanistas!
@Jessucka: 7 years ago, when I stopped chemically processing my hair straight, and flat ironing it, I NEVER looked back. Not once have I ever felt compelled to placate some insecure person, who feels uncomfortable with beauty in its natural form. And make no apologies for having an inquiring mind... and being who you are. Questions asked are far better than presumptuous insinuations, and perpetuated stereotypes.
@Lola Gets: I agree with you wholeheartedly, women should feel comfortable enough in their own skin to not feel obligated to be something or someONE they don't truly believe in. Viva La Womanistas indeed!
Thanks, ladies.
It's nowhere the same, but I have naturally curly hair. Which I used to fight on a daily basis. I so wanted it straight. I tried to subdue it daily into a gleaming flat river. I failed miserably. It was just a frizzy mess. I decided round about 19 to just go with it. Life is much easier now, and I get so many compliements on my hair. It's also so much healthier when you don't fight it with chemicals and heat, eh.
i agree wholeheartedly, the feminist movement was an upper class white female thing.
i never dug Good Times. Especially after they killed off the dad. it was like every ep they would be ready to get out of the hood then BOOM something happened.
there were so many missed opportunities on the show to educate folks.
i got sick of it after season 2.
but i feel you on the womanist thing.
To all of my curly-haired sisters of every color....tell those people who ask you WHY you don't straighten your hair to EFF OFF!!! My friends that are white with curly hair have to explain themselves when they choose to straighten their hair because people act like they don't have a right to do what they want...hell, it's HAIR not a damn POLITICAL STATEMENT! It CAN BE a political statement, but I chose to wear my hair natural simply because I couldn't see one reason for me to continue to process it. I hated sitting for 6 hours at the hairdressers every 6 weeks!!!
I've grown weary of Black men who try to act as if calling women bitches and hos is okay simply because they're Black. FALSE!!! No one has the right to say those things to us!
I liked Good Times, but I agree with Brother OMi...they missed numerous opportunities to educate. I think they had an E! True Hollywood Story about it and said that only one of the writers was Black. They wanted a slaphappy bunch of negroes striving and surviving in the ghetto and that's what they got. I definitely watched the show tons and still do check it out from time-to-time, but it's amazing what I get out of the show NOW versus when I was 8 or 10. It's such an interesting foray into television in the 1970s and where America placed Blacks in the entertainment industry.
- Cat
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