Anyway, the bff Cat will driving up from Plattsburgh, NY this weekend. Time to lay down the old newspapers, stock up on some Febreeze, and to foolproof the wall outlets...
- Why people drink their hot coffee through those small, brown, slender straws that double as coffee stirrers? It perplexes me. Sipping iced coffee through a straw makes a hell of a lot more sense than drinking hot coffee through a straw.
- I also wonder whether or not people actually eat KFC's Famous Bowls? They
don't look very appetizing and like they'd give someone a wicked case of mud butt (I mean, gravy AND cheddar cheese... on a bed of mashed potatoes?? I'll save the corn jokes). The very concept seems as if it were inspired by a small child, who played with his corn, mashed potaters, and chicken... and made a small mountain of cold, congealed nastiness on his plate.
- I also wonder why I felt compelled to wear these damn pumps, knowing the heels need mending, for their caps are worn away from my walking all over, and the nails are starting to peep through? The likelihood of me slipping, is well... very likely. In addition to all that, whenever I walk across the floor or they click on the pavement, they sound like tap shoes.
Some Foolishness to Ponder...
May 30, 2007
I had a nice, long, extended weekend. I ate merrily and laughed raucously. Now it's back to the drawing board... this place that shan't be named.
In any event, with nothing better to do than wish I were back outside frolicking in the sun, I'm left to ponder the minutiae to help get me through the day...
Insignficant matters such as;
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I've always wondered about those KFC bowls - they look so, so nasty in the commercials. ICK!
Have fun with Cat. Tell her I said hi (if she even remembers me)!
when i worked at starbucks i wondered about the same thing with teh straws. what gives?
KFC is wack anyway
you sound like my wife on the 3rd comment..
I keep saying the same thing about the KFC bowl. Cheese and Gravy!?!?!? They should call it the cholesterol bowl...or the heart attack special.
ok 1, I... ummm drink my coffee like that here at work. don't shoot me! the reason I do it? I like really small sips, but trying to get a really small sip by, well, SIPPING it, makes me do this slurpy noise. so I use the stirrer/straw. *shrug*
as for those disgusting bowls - I can see, having spent so many years in texas, a plate of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and corn all sort of mixing together. what I don't understand is WTF si with the CHEESE? cheese! it does not go with fried chicken, it does not go with mashed potatoes (certainly not with brown gravy on them), and it surely does not go with corn. so who's the brilliant mofo at kfc that thought shredded cheddar jack would somehow mix beautifully with all 3 put together?? idiots.
I love mashed potatos and corn together. When I have one, I always have the other. But I agree about his probably being nasty. That is what I've thought about it since I first saw one. Ewww. Definite heart attack in a bowl. All it's missing is some ranch dressing.
KFC wants to kill us, they're terrorists. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. LOL
Hey comebacknikki! I appreciate you being nice to me seeing as Coffey is an effing jerk! hahahahahah
I love just how angry those damn KFC bowls make you, Coffey! And who the hell is trying to drink hot coffee through a damn teeny-tiny straw? What morons there are in the world, GOSH!!!
Give those damn pumps a rest 'til you go to the shoe mender...
;) Cat
I make a wicked potato cheese ball, so cheese and potatoes do go together. But those bowls are disgusting, and like everything at KFC that looks better on the poster than on your tray, they look even worse when they're served.
And what bothers me about coffee (here in the office), is the people who disassemble the single-cup coffee machine and don't know how to reassemble it, the people who make cuban coffee and leave the dirty espresso machine and implements on the counter, and the ones that spill coffee, sugar and/or creamer and don't clean it up. My name's not Consuelo, I'm not your maid, and you're probably a pig at home too.
Love the kitty avatars, lol.
Have fun, Coffey and Cat!
*GASP!!!! mom's name IS Consuelo!! LOL
i, shamefully, know people who drink coffee with straws so they wouldn't smear their lipstick.
ya, it's hard work reapplying a lippie isn't it? :p
All I can say is 2 words:
I HATE KFC. You couldn't pay me to eat that crap.
And those straws are stirrers people! LOL. Remember Micky D's used to have the white stirrers with the flat bottom? Yeah, they discontinued those because all the crack heads were using them to snort. LOL
Those "bowls" from KFC have always looked like constipation city to me!
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