I'm currently on holiday, for Labor Day (since Friday). I've already hit Burlington, VT
(again, always a pleasure), sat in a car as I was ferried to Plattsburgh, NY, and will hit Montreal. What an extraordinarily beautiful and scenic ride. In addition to the massive amounts of road kill
(most of the creatures unidentifiable), this city slicker saw a baby dear grazing in a by the side of the road, on a patch of grass. I was in awe! I felt like I was riding through a postcard. The backdrop en route to Vermont, en route to upstate New York is lush and robust with green trees and luscious brush.
Right now, I'm possessed by that spirit known as red wine... elixir of the goddesses. I'll be back Tuesday!
P.S. The RITE AID in Vermont sells wine! Connecticut needs to reconsider its liquor law.
P.P.S. I was bitten by an unidentifiable insect (possibly a spider?) and the meatiest part of my right arm blew up and was on fire. I felt like I'd been stabbed by a crack needle. We hurriedly hit a gas station in Vermont and purchased some alcohol, band aids, and Neosporin. Standing in the station's parking lot, I hurriedly used my red, striped pashmina to apply alcohol and then rubbed a liberal amount of the ointment directly on the bite. I'd never felt that type of pain after having been bitten by an insect.
Needless to say, the alcohol and the Neosporin did the trick! My arm is back to normal, the bite's puffiness has waned, and I didn't break out into a cold sweat or convulse from its impact.
1 comment
just got back home
just hanging OUT
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