Diary of an Insomniac
Work, drop some Visine, keep busy to avoid nodding, moodiness, irritability
sans reason, multiple bathroom breaks, coffee, coffee sludge, more coffee,
water, hard candy, lemonade, vitamins, home, eat, tv, more tv, read, eyes wide
open into the wee hours, close eyes for a couple of hours, wake up, channel surf
half heartedly, fall asleep, wake up two hours later, massage swollen feet, iron
out kinks in neck and back, shuffle to the shower, shuffle through the morning,
rush to the bus stop, rush to work, Work, drop some Visine, keep busy to avoid
nodding, high strung, sudden burst of energy, candy coffee, powdered
lemonade mix, erotic day dreams, burning eyes, blow nose,
eat almonds, drink more coffee, ... wine, coffee, coffee, wine, hallucinate,
doze, wake up with a jolt, doze, watch infomercials, doze, doze... sleep, wake
up 2 hours later, shuffle... doze... work... coffee... .... .... Visine, Advil,
Pamprin, coffee, heavy lids, tea, news, infomercials, unintelligible, snooze button, thoughts wont be quiet. ... heavy lids... heavy. thtoughs. wont. be. QUIET.
lids. thoughts... heavy lids... thoughts wont be quiet... ... ... pass out fully
clothed, not having washed face. wake up at 3 AM, pajamas, wake up hour 1/2
later... heavy. lids. lids. SNOOZE, BUTTON, .. .... coffee. ... ... auto pilot.
*yawwwwwn* coffee.... vit.a.mins ... autopilot.
Not being able to sleep is the worst. I hate when my head won't shut up and let me settle down. Here's hoping you get some real sleep soon. It does make you feel like you're on autopilot, a robot of sorts. Untill, keep on drinking the coffee.
Cocaine is a helluva drug! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- Cat
man. I'm sorry, coffey. this was my life from about age 7 to 25 or so. not sure how it stopped, but it finally did.
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