- I'm still working my ass off
- I'm making strides at my job, and hopefully it'll pay off in other ways (cha-ching! get me?)
- I'm still apartment hunting
- I'm caught myself another sinus infection.
- I've been using a neti pot to irrigate my nasal passages...
- ... while the process is a bit uncomfortable (and disgusting) it works.
- I'm still single
- I haven't run off and gotten betrothed or married
- The mere thought is stifling
- I'm not really looking or interested in a relationship right now
- The dudes who approach me are still douche extraordinaires (of Summer's Eve proportions).
- I've been wearing a lovely perfume oil called P*ssy
- I've discovered that Absente isn't for everyone... or at least that ish ain't for moi.
- Every now and again, I'll scope out prospective (and reasonably priced) beds to purchase for my future apartment.
- I hate that the recession and inflation has caused the price of wheat to go up hence, making bread more expensive. (I LOVE carbs! This isn't right).
- My bus rides have been right boring. Passengers have been behaving themselves (assholes). I need to find another bus route to ride.
- I discovered (possibly due to my sinus issues) that I snore like a drunken derelict, and will probably remain single because of it.
- I'm in denial about my snoring like a drunken derelict.
- I think I ate too many green Peeps.
- I'm still fabulously and beautifully eccentric
- and I enjoy this song....
I enjoyed that song as well. and thanks for the updates.
I've been considering getting a neti pot. it might be gross, but I have a feeling it would do wonders for my breathing.
Neti pots kind of freak me out, but I've heard they really work.
Absente - I'm with you on this one. Ir's a little too reminiscent of gasoline for my taste.
glad to know you're doing ok.
I miss you miss tiff.
Hello Coffee
Its good to know that all is well with you. I have a question, do you eat a lot of dairy products? because I am aware that they cause mucus to build inside of the body. Which could lead to sinus problems.
first i followed BinBalt. second, Nice blog folk. Do come by and chk me out one day and welcome to the blogosphere, and if u like what u read, maybe u will consider adding me to your blog roll.
I don’t dispose of income - folk don’t get down l...
simple pagan ritual
I want that daddy
More women snore then will ever be admitted.
Tired of You by Foo Fighters (though older) is my favorite song now.
Boring bus rides are the best ones!
"The dudes who approach me are still douche extraordinaires (of Summer's Eve proportions)."
lmao! I just spit my diet soda out thru my nostrils!
Thank you... That has to be the funniest line I've read in a long, long time!
Lists are good. They serve to remind us where we are in this life.
@melissa: Neti pots do, indeed, do wonders for the nasal passages. It's also an natural way to moisturize and cleanse the nasal passages and help reduce colds, moisturize your sinuses, and aids in helping you breathe better!
@combacknikki: Neti pots are sorta freaky. They look like little tea pots. lol. But they really do work. That Absente will stay stored way for a spell. That stuff is an acquired taste, and should prolly only be tasted if you're already three sheets to the wind.
@bloody whore: I miss you too! I hope all is well with you! I will touch base soon!
@Beautyinb'more: While I love dairy. I don't eat a lot of dairy. Dust, pollen, dirt, dry air, and nasty little things of the like cause sinusitis and chronic sinus infections. I believe most of the above problems are what cause my affliction. I work in an old building. My offices is on the top floor of a train and bus station and the building is dated. They keep the air dry and it's stuff and ofttimes hot in my office. So I think this is why. I know when I flushed my nostrils this morning... there was some sort of black particles floating in the water. Gross, yes, I know. ;-)
@torrance: Thanks for stopping by!
@amadeo: I'm denying that claim! Foo Fighters put out some memorable and catchy songs, non? I am definitely needing to get Lizz Wrights and M.I.A.'s new releases.
And boring bus rides are, well, boring. Sometimes I enjoy the quiet, but every now and again, I wish for some sort of disturbance. lol.
@nina: Lists are definitely fun. I always have some sort of mental list accumulating in my head. Sometimes I wish I could walk around with a Summer's Eve (or Massengil) stamp and stamp the word DOUCHE on dudes's foreheads, to serve as some sort of warning for the rest of the general populace. Sorta like a Scarlett Letter or WORD in this case. lol.
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