It's bitter cold, and my mood is just about neck and neck with this blasted weather. It is definitely days like these that make me curse being born and bred in New England. I blame Canada. In any event, I can't seem to warm up. I can't relax in the confines of my home, because it's freezing. It's a to-the-bone type of chill that is simply inescapable, regardless of how many layers you hide under, how high you crank the heat up, how much Vicks Vaporub you slather under your nose, and how tight of a fetal position you curl up in!! I can wish for man to cozy up next to, but he'd be of no use to me, because he'd be shivering and complaining right alongside me. He'd touch me, and I'd probably shrink away from his touch, due to his hands being ice cold.
How depressing. Last night, bundled up and on the cusp of a nervous breakdown because the bus driver decided to take his sweet time letting pulling up to the stop, my fingers were frozen almost to the point of no return. This is with insulated leather gloves on, a wool coat, and a wrap. Settled within the warm confines of the bus, I glowered angrily at the driver, then I gingerly peeled my gloves off gasping at my blue tinted fingertips!

This is the kind of weather that forces people to walk stooped over as they pull their layers tighter to their bodies muttering and cursing under their breath and to be pissy drunk until they slump face forward on the bus, because the pain of the cold is too much for them to bear. The kind of havoc that wrecks plans, dispositions, and heating bills! As discomforting as I find hot, humid, stagnant air to be, I'd definitely take that kind of summer over this any day. I find it easier to keep cool. Keeping warm? Not so much. I'll admit the cold air has been great for my pores, but sidestepping people sneezing and hacking into the brisk air, and stepping over globs of spit and phlegm on the sidewalk doesn't do anything to soothe my soul or my mild germaphobia. I'm finding myself eating a myriad of strange things for breakfast, in a desperate bid to warm up from the inside out (atomic fire balls and c
offee anyone?) Pressing lunch time errands go ignored, because I simply can't bear the thought of going out into the frosty air. As kinky as this may sounds to some, every morning and every evening, I cover myself, neck to toe in thick body butters and generous
globs of Vaseline... a vain attempt to keep my skin supple, moisturized, and protected from the ash dying to attach itself to my skin! I'm a greazy woman this winter! And I'm loving every second of it as I'm triumphing over the ashiness. It's an especially mad, cruel, winter or at least it has been these past couple of weeks. The city of Hartford, CT seems allergic to plowing the snow piles properly, making it rather difficult to navigate the curbs and cross the street. Today, a blind woman fell over a pile of snow as she gingerly stepped off the bus, swinging her stick wildly into the air trying to find her way. The bus driver simply looked on from the perch of his seat, as the woman struggled to her feet and dusted herself off. A friendly passenger ran out to tend to her, "Okay, she's up on her feet, let's get going," I heard a dry teenage voice mutter impatiently from the back of the bus. Empathy is officially dead, folks. Nothing left to
do but mull over looming debts that need to be paid and drown my

winter blues in a sea of red wine. piping hot mugs of black coffee, and strong, spicy teas.
Don't you feel like you're back in WI again? Ugh. This weather is making me one crabby bitch... well, at least a crabbier bitch than usual. :)
Christ, people suck sometimes.
I commend you for buttering up every morning and evening. I have just found out recently how badly dry weather affects me, but externally and internally, and whatever you can do to fight it, I don't blame you.
I used to say I missed the cold. Oof.
Mulled wine. That's all that's getting me through these cold days.
It is so hard to stay moisturized during the winter. The dry air inside just sucks the moisture right out of my skin. I'm trying to avoid overly hot baths and showers but it is difficult in this chill. I can understand slathering up in vasoline. I've got my morning body butter ritual.
You're the only one besides my Dad who I've heard use the expression colder than a witches tittie. Twice now I think. :)
love the title
love it
what I did was I added some bath oil to my regular lotion--about 2 T.
Also, I'm wearing long johns, extra shirts, my good wool coat, hat, gloves, scarves, etc. It still gets to me but I can't afford to move south yet so I'm tolerating it.
Also, you might consider weatherstripping your windows
they sell a kit at home depot--it's basically plastic (I'd use weather stripping tape and not the tape sold in the kit). My fiancee put it over all his windows and it actually made a difference. My Mom swears by it and she's got six rooms to heat.
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