Casual Encounter
I love these random, casual encounters I come up against. Now, my friend says that I'm a"maneater" and a "temptress," who has left a trail of broken men
leading from my door, but her opinion is born out of bitterness because she
can no longer eat delicious cupcakes and cream sauces and I can. So her opinion
is pretty much moot at this point and time and nothing can be further from the truth, but I digress.
I always find myself in the midst of foolishness. Whether it be a strange
man wanting to take photos of my shoes to another insisting on removing his
prosthetic foot at a trendy wine bar... I am a magnet when it comes to the
This Friday was no exception. While leaving a diner, clutching a tasty
pepperoni grinder, with peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, black olives, cheese, and
mustard (former vegetarianism be damned)- a Mailman stepped back out of the
way to let me pass (the aisle is narrow and my hips span across many nations and
universes) however, I didn't think I needed that much space... but I thanked him
anyway for letting me through.
"That's okay. I wanted to see how you looked anyway."
he said smugly. Both amused and annoyed, I hurried past and across the street
back to work. Amazing. I am back on meat (for the past 3 years now) and am also
a PIECE of meat to be appraised, judged, poked, and prodded. What clownery! Here's a thought... Instead of sidewalks and aisles, why not just make the landscape one, long catwalk for women to walk down... just to make things more convenient for you all? What a novel idea! (insert side-eye here). Men-beasts... you never cease to amaze this simple woman. The grinder was tasty by the way.
just make the landscape one, long catwalk for women to walk down...funniest thing I've read in a minute. madame you are clazy, clazy :)
how New England-y
I can't believe he actually admitted he was taking the opportunity to ogle you
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