Rihanna took the embattled former editor of Jackie Magazine to task with a series of tweets, demanding that she acknowledge the racially insensitive nature of the article: “… your magazine is a misrepresentation of the evolution of human rights!” read a portion of one tweet, “That’s your contribution to this world! To encourage segregation, to mislead the future leaders to act in the past!” read another.
Around the same time she was taking the editor of Jackie to task, Rihanna also went on an expletive laden Twitter-rant about a racist hotel guest she encountered while in Portugal; So it was with great disappointment that one of Rihanna’s more recent tweets seemed to find her regressing in similar fashion.
The pop star — who has been making waves across celebrity news outlets as of late for collaborating with her troubled former boyfriend, Chris Brown and for mocking a displeased fan’s appearance – tweeted a picture of a bag of rice cakes, decorated with a pair of shades, large hoop earrings and captioned “Ima make u my bitch”… more than likely, a catty and bigoted subliminal dig at Brown’s current love interest Karreuche Tran, who is part Vietnamese and often photographed wearing large shades and hoop earrings. It’s also important to note that “rice cake” is one of many racial epithets hurled at East Asians and is reportedly used to directly insult Vietnamese people. On the “Cake” remix, which features Chris Brown, Rihanna also purrs:
While the sociological answer to the question of whether or not Blacks can be racist, is usually applied when these issues arise; what Black and minority folks who engage in hateful rhetoric against other marginalized groups need to realize is, anytime they make crass, racially insensitive quips about other ethnic groups, they’re culpable in the perpetuation of White supremacy regardless of whether or not they have the power to oppress an entire group of people… I liken it to a drug dealer or gang leader, Kanye-shrugging away any responsibility for contributing to the destruction of his neighborhood and its people... READ THE REST AT INTERSECTION OF MADNESS & REALITY“Remember how you did it? Remember how you fit it? If you still wanna kiss it, come and get it. Sweeter than a rice cake, cake worth sipping. Kill it, tip it…”
Also read:
When Hipster Racism Fails: Rihanna Labeled the "Ultimate Niggabitch" by Dutch Magazine
Chris Brown, Rihanna, & the 'Cake' Remix: Yes, Shut up, & Let Them Eat Cake!
Karrueche Tran Fires Back At Rihanna After Racist Tweet
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